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ECA - Sudoku Club

ECA - Sudoku Club

·Author: Lydia Chen·

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Sudoku Club is proving to be a big success with our students - they are having so much fun! But little do they know that among all this joy and laughter, they are also getting a fantastic mental work out. Before we explain how Sudoku benefits it's participants let's first explain what the game is all about.

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The modern game of Sudoku as we recognize it today was invented by Howard Garns, a freelance puzzle inventor from Connellsville, Indiana, USA in 1979. The puzzle was known as “Number Place”, since it involved placing individual numbers into empty spots on a 9 x 9 grid. The square grid  must be filled in with numbers from one to nine with no repeated numbers in each line, horizontally or vertically.

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The game first appeared in Japan in 1984 where it was given the name “Sudoku,” which is short for a longer expression in Japanese – “Sūji wa dokushin ni kagiru” – which means, “the digits are limited to one occurrence.” Sudoku continues to be highly popular in Japan, where people buy over 600,000 Sudoku magazines per month.

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It's also proving to be a big success at GOS. As mentioned previously it's a whole lot if fun but it has many other benefits, here are just a few:

1. Improves concentration. It is impossible to solve a Sudoku puzzle without concentration.

2. Helps to reduce anxiety and stress.

3. Promotes a healthy mindset.

4. Helps kids develop their problem-solving skills.

5. Helps each other make improvement.

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So how about that - pretty fantastic don't you think? Why don't you you give it a go?