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Principal Message

Principal Message 

Helen Swan



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As I write this we are in the last week of our school year and what a year it has been! We started on line with the uncertainty of what the year would bring and we are finishing in a spectacular way being able to revive so many of the special events that we knew and loved from our pre-covid days! Well done to everybody, students, staff and parents…….We did it!!

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As we start our holidays I know that here at GOS we are already thinking about how to make the school and even more exciting and rewarding place to be for 2023/2024. The staff are keen to put the past in the past and go forward with new subject matter, new ideas, innovative teaching and of course some new colleagues who will also bring new ideas. Students too will have new classmates to learn with and new challenges to meet. We are really excited for next year, our first since 2020 without the shadow of a pandemic.  

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I would like to thank all who have contributed to making GOS a great place to work, study and play! Our administration staff, our academic staff and all of the auxiliary staff, you have all given so much. At present I am listening to the preparations for our International Trail which is happening tomorrow and the squeals of delight from children in PE. These things are part of what makes GOS so special. I get such joy when I ask a small child how they are and they answer with a big grin,Happy!This makes my day! This is possible because of our staff, so thank you.

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Thank you to our parents who have weathered the storm adapting and changing with every moment to the situation we have been confronted with throughout the last three years. Thank you for your support and encouragement of the children.

Finally thank you to our children. You are the heart and soul of the school. To all have a safe and happy holiday and come back to us refreshed and ready for your next adventure. Enjoy!


Photos/Christy, Jodie, Alex