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Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning - Welcome to GOS

Interdisciplinary   Project-Based Learning - Welcome to GOS

Article/ Chinese Language Dept. Gina  Hedy

Art Dept/ Jessie


Origin of the project


At the beginning of each new school year, GOS Campus welcomes lovely Year 1 students. They are curious about school life. In order to help new students adapt to school life as soon as possible, The teachers of the Year 3 Chinese group collaborated with the art group to embed interdisciplinary project-based learning in the Chinese curriculum - the "Welcome to GOS". Students worked together to plan and create a series picture books about GOS school life. They used pictures and texts to answer questions raised by first-year students, share their own experiences and thoughts.



Study texts related to campus life before creating picture books.


Learn the basic knowledge of picture book creation, understand the components and characteristics of picture books, and know the process of picture book production.



Survey and collect questions from Year 1 students to clarify readers' needs and accurately locate the content of picture books.


Analyze and discuss the collected questions and identify issues that interest you.



Learn basic methods to solve problems, try to solve problems, then write down the answers.



Reflect on what was gained during the project and recommend our picture books.


Donate the picture books we created to the school library and ask library teachers to write book reviews for us.


In the first-grade Chinese class, teachers and students read our picture books together

Project Outcome



In this "Welcome to GOS" project study, each Year 3 student completed 11 study sheets, providing reliable process evidence for the implementation of literacy; a total of more than 90 illustrations were drawn, and the collective creation was of high quality. The 5 picture books providing practical help to the junior students.

Through this project that integrates Chinese, art, and library subjects, we made the first-year students feel the good atmosphere of friendship and mutual help on the Oasis campus, helping them establish the initial sense of security in school life; at the same time, the third-year students also felt The practical significance of learning stimulates students' sense of responsibility and initiative in "applying what they have learned", which can be regarded as a useful attempt.