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Let’s See What We Have Learned in 1G

Let’s See What We Have Learned in 1G

Author:Mrs. Roma  Currie

Translator : Mrs. Sandy Luo 


The children are now mostly settled into their new class. They are beginning to remember the expectations of how we conduct ourselves in a big school.  They worked together to agree a set of class rules about things we can do and not do in class as well as expectations when moving around school and outside play areas.






Paws, Claws and Whiskers

We have just started our first unit - Paws, Claws and Whiskers.  The children began by going on a hunt for different animal footprints. The children were very excited about collecting all thirteen footprints. Once the footprints were collected, the children had a go at guessing which animal might make each footprint.  This led to great conversations about why the children thought a footprint might made by a particular animal using what they had learned from the story Big Prints, Little Prints. Then the children working in groups made Footprint Posters which matched each animal with the correct footprint.



Through topic, the children learned about their bodies, to be able to name and locate the different parts of their bodies.  First with a partner writing labels and sticking on their partner in the correct place (this activity caused a lot of laughter and sharing of where to put the stickers) and then in groups the children drew around one of the group members, labelling the different parts of the body.  Working in small groups can sometimes be a challenge but everyone worked hard and soon had some great labelled bodies with some interesting extra artwork and some internal body parts drawn as well.





In literacy, we worked a little on poems.  The children created their own list poems about animals they liked using a work bank to support their writing.


The children are looking forward to the next stories we will be reading about animals and we will also do some research on their favourite animal.  The children will also be thinking about animal enclosures and how they can make outstanding enclosures for their animal sculptures to ensure their animal feels happy.  We are looking forward to seeing the ideas and creativity that the children use to complete this project.