Spectacular SPACE MISSION Y5o
Written by: Ms. Carmel Drost Translated by: Ms. Michelle Xiao
In Year 5, students were introduced to our first Cornerstones unit, 'Stargazers'. The children began by inquiring and investigating about the Solar system. We used books and computers to refresh our prior knowledge and had researched new facts about 'Outer Space'. Students then creatively presented their information in the form of illustrated mind maps. The children have enthusiastically immersed themselves into a variety of tasks in which they have learnt the wonders of 'Space'.
The children went on to creating mnemonic sentences to assist them in memorising the order of the planets – this was certainly fun as we shared a few good laughs over some imaginative, humorous sentences. During our Topic lessons, children completed insightful Venn diagrams which displayed the similarities and differences between Jovian and Terrestrial planets. Our practical lesson piqued their curiosity as delicious fruit was brought into the classroom. To their astonishment, the fruit turned out to be “celestial bodies” used as props to display the sizes and order of the planets in our solar system.
Before the National holiday, students took pride in presenting Choice Board projects about Space. These creative works of art have been placed on display for all to see and clearly reflects on their understanding of this unit.
In our English lessons we learnt about myths and read the story of Chang'e. It helped the children understand the layout and features of myths, which later helped them write their own creation myth. Currently, we are learning about newspaper articles and intend on reporting about a “Phenomenal Space Experience”.
We will end our exciting Stargazers experience by creating innovative projects such as space rovers and our own aliens. This, no doubt, will be the highlight of this unit as students are already buzzing with excitement about unleashing their creative ideas.