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Learn safety knowledge and protect ourselves

Learn safety knowledge and protect ourselves

By: Ivy Chen·   Translator: Sicily Zhang·   Support Service Department·

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In order to further enhance students' self-protection awareness and their understanding of various safety protection laws, and to help them better identify dangerous situations and learn to protect themselves in daily life, the school conducted a campus safety education activity last week.

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Each class held a themed class meeting, with the contents covering traffic safety, fire safety, drowning prevention, anti-terrorism, fraud prevention, and bullying prevention. In addition to introducing various dangerous situations, teachers guided students to actively discuss how to respond correctly when encountering danger, and students enthusiastically shared and exchanged their ideas.

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Preventing telecom fraud and preventing campus bullying were also the focus of this safety education.

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What is telecom fraud? 

Telecom fraud refers to the crime of using false information, setting traps, and implementing remote and non-contact fraud through telephone, network, and text messages to induce victims to pay or transfer money.

What we can do:

There are many types of telecom fraud, including online shopping fraud and gaming fraud. Keep safety in mind while surfing the internet.

During online study or leisure activities involving payment, inform your parents.

When making online payments or purchases, you must do so under the supervision of your parents.

If you suspect fraud, seek help from the police.

What is campus bullying? 

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Campus bullying refers to incidents where one party (individual or group) deliberately or maliciously bullies, insults, or harms another party (individual or group) through physical, verbal, or online means inside or outside the campus.

What we can do:

Stay calm.

Seek help and call for assistance from passersby, using unusual actions to attract attention.

Personal safety should always be the top priority. You can try to deter the other party with warning language.

When conflicts arise at school, seek help from a teacher as soon as possible.

No matter what kind of intimidation you face, always tell the school and your parents, and do not endure physical and psychological trauma alone.

Facing the dangers in daily life, we educate our students to raise their self-protection and the skills to protect themselves. School works together with parents to protect every child’s safety.