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Happy learning, Interesting literacy - Y1 literacy tabloid activity

Happy learning, Interesting literacy

- Y1 literacy tabloid activity

·Author:Sher Wu·

·Photos: Sher Wu  Jodie Yang·

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For Y1 students, the world is a big treasure that full of new things. We hope that children will gain a lot of knowledge in the exploration of the world, so we launched the "Literacy Tabloid" activity in the Y1 Chinese learning.

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Literacy is a fun thing, and it is also an important learning task for Y1 students. We encourage children to carefully observe the Chinese characters that appear in their daily lives, and then complete literacy tabloids through various forms such as writing, tracing, cutting, pasting, and drawing. During the hands-on process, the students actively learned Chinese characters and enriched their vocabulary, which also enhanced their ability to observe the world and understand life. Many parents also participated in the activity, helping children enrich their thinking, broaden their horizons, and feel their children's growth and progress.

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Children's literacy tabloids are rich in content. It involves commodity packaging, signs, building names, slogans, food names, etc. Colorful patterns, immature writing, careful layout, and rich creativity allow children to wander freely in Chinese characters and have fun!

The students didn't forget to observe the Chinese characters around them on the way out for the spring outings, and accumulated Chinese characters while carefully recording the scenery along the way.

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There are also some students who love delicious food. While enjoying the delicious food, they also learn a lot of Chinese characters!

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The interesting way of literacy stimulates children's enthusiasm for learning Chinese characters. The children brought the carefully crafted literacy tabloids back to school and shared them with the whole class, setting off an upsurge of literacy competitions.

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We hope that through such life practice activities, children can enjoy learning, take the initiative to learn, and master knowledge in happy exploration.