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Experience Chinese Culture and Enjoy Papermaking

Experience Chinese Culture 

and Enjoy Papermaking

·Author: Rosa Liu·

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Today, we still celebrate traditional festivals, still use paper invented 1900 years ago, and still walk on bridges built 1400 years ago...all of which reflect the long history of Chinese culture.

Therefore, it is one of the obligations of our primary school students to study wonderful famous poems, discover the excellent traditions around us, introduce the long and splendid Chinese culture to the world, and pass it on.

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In the third unit—the study of traditional Chinese culture, in order to experience the diversity and freshness of traditional culture and understand the wisdom and talents of the Chinese people, our third-grade students carried out the experience of papermaking, and the students also devoted themselves, Enjoy and appreciate the whimsy of the ancients in the laughter.

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Our activities follow Cai Lun's steps in making paper. The students first soaked the pulp sheet in fresh water, shredded it after softening and stirred it evenly. Then, they covered their paper-making frame with the pulp by the spoonful.

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After the activity was over, they came to the outside of the classroom to dry their works and appreciate other people's works. It is believed that the third grade students gained a lot from this theme activity, and felt the profoundness of Chinese culture, which enhanced their sense of national pride and cultural identity.
