
Tencent is one of the largest Chinese portals, Chinese views of science and technology with many network platforms such as micro letter tencent QQ instant messaging tool QQ game SOSO search phone tencent QQ space clap nets and tencent wealth through October Y10 classmates is very lucky to join their art design training.

Students to participate in the QQ game hero alliance characters of design work, create their love and want to increase to the main characters in the game, learning how to design your skin view character generated animation effects of specific process (by using 3 d image), every character is so vivid! Children from all over the world are fascinated by the variety of effects produced in the game world.

Liu jiacheng, liu ziming srichard an Kaustubha Wawage, huang minxuan and six students from liu yuan middle school took this opportunity to create the ideal game characters in their mind, and also learned various tips of image design. From conception to the last generation of the entire process takes about 2 months, so the students can't go deep into the design of every tiny link, but through this valuable opportunity, students learned the practical experience of information science and technology.